Executive Council

 He is the past very successful Chair of Gujarati Cultural Society of Brighton visit https://www.gcs-brighton.org.uk/membership/

 He has organised weekly social, cultural and dharmic Zoom events from March lock down. They were very well attended by people in the he South and many other parts of the country and the world

 All above were well planned, organised and controlled under Dhirubhai’s leadership with excellence

 He was the joint social secretary of our Centre, Gurjar Hindu Union in Crawley. Here too he organised 4 events per year, Diaro, Antaxadi, Musical Shows, Plays etc. In so doing he managed to raise good amount of funding for the Union.

 He is a Ghadhavi, very deeply knowledgeable in Gujarat sahitya, Gujarti and Indian culture. He has very deep knowledge of bhajans, religion and powerful commend of Gujarati language. His English level is also good.

He is a team player, deeply committed to public support and service

He has a vast network of social and cultural artists in the UK and India

 He is a singer himself and very good at that too